Markus Öhrn

Markus Öhrn is a Swedish visual artist, born 1972. He graduated from the Masters of Fine Arts programme at Konstfack in Stockholm in 2008. His video and sound installations as well as performances have been presented both in Sweden and internationally. In 2010, he directed his first theatre performance Conte d’Amour that was awarded the winner price at the Impulse Festival 2011 in Germany and presented at Wiener Festwochen in 2012. In 2015, Markus Öhrn started to work with site specific performances in series. The first piece in this format was the Azdora project for which he founded a Black Metal/Noise band with Italian housewives. In December 2015 he made an advent calendar for Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz with 24 different performances in 24 days. With the highly acclaimed piece Häusliche Gewalt Wien that premiered at Wiener Festwochen in 2018, he was nominated for Austria’s theatre price Nestroy in the category Spezialpreis.